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advertising banners

The Ad Banner module can handle three different sizes of ad banners - tall, short and wide. They display at random on all chosen pages but you can make one banner of each size display on the homepage for greater visibility.

They can be unlinked or linked to the advertisers website. If no advertisers are booked, a default 'advertise here' ad is shown.

A management system allows editing of links, expiry dates and whether an ad is random or fixed to the homepage. Banners can be set to expire at a chosen date, manually suspended at any time or deleted.

Refresh this page a few times to see banners randomly display.

second column

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam dictum est ut justo. Vivamus sed sem eget lorem eleifend blandit. Vestibulum dictum rutrum est. Nulla tempor sapien. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse eu dui. Integer ullamcorper lobortis lorem. Vivamus in turpis nec felis varius gravida. Sed lorem. Aliquam nec leo id est consectetuer hendrerit. Mauris at arcu a mi nonummy nonummy. Nullam euismod nonummy felis. Proin vitae odio eu libero fringilla rhoncus. Donec ac diam. Ut dignissim metus vel lectus. Nulla at nunc. Cras ligula felis, feugiat eu, tristique pretium, mattis sed, mauris. Nunc ut est in turpis pharetra sollicitudin. Nam sed velit. Maecenas lacus tortor, tempor vel, dictum vel, volutpat et, felis.